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총 교재수 : 17




Speak Your Mind





Step 2


 Speak Your Mind is a new course that helps students to develop effective communication skills. It has a focus on speaking English in local and global scenarios and provides students with coping strategies designed to increase their confidence in a variety of situations. Activities in Speak Your Mind encourage learners to consider other points of view, think things through, and then express their own ideas and solutions. Better thinking and processing of information leads to better speaking, equipping learners with the skills not just to survive, but to thrive and achieve their goals in life.?


By the end of the Course, Students should be able to:

- Communicate effectively and appropriately in real-life situation.

- Develop an interest in the appreciation of the second language.

- Be encouraged to think on their own and form their ideas using their experience, knowledge and imagination than being text or teacher dependent.

- Recognize the organization of a text.

- Interpret texts by relating them to other material on the same theme (and to their own experience and knowledge*)

- Listen to a talk and understand the topic and main points.

- Understand and respond appropriately to instruction, advice request and warning; and

- Understand and interpret spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar situation.

- Express and argue a point of view clearly and effectively.

- Express and respond to personal feelings, opinions and attitudes. 





Let's Talk





Step 3


 The successful speaking course that takes students from a high-beginning to a high-intermediate level. 

This course in American English is designed to develop oral communication skills and increase fluency. 

Unique twists on topics draw students into conversations, and engaging activities guarantee maximum talking time.

Features of this edition include more systematic presentation and recycling of structures and vocabulary, increased focus on communication activities. 

The expanded self-study section includes grammar and vocabulary practice, offering students additional opportunities for review and consolidation. 

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대표자 : 조은숙 / 정보관리자 : 조은숙 / TEL : 070-4042-1335 / 상담시간 : 상담시간 : 24/7 (18:00~20:00 식사시간 제외)

주소 : 충북 청주시 오창중앙로94  / 사업자등록번호 : 595-24-00940

통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2020-충북청주-0496호  /  이메일 : wannaeasy358@gmail.com

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